Worcester Film Festival & Worcester Fringe present “Dog Days & Bad Luck”

Special collaboration event on Sunday 30th July 2023

Are you a budding videographer/director? Then enter into our competition and your short film will be showcased at the Worcester Fringe and then potentially picked to be presented at the Worcester Film Festival later this year!

All you have to do is create a short film that is a maximum of 2 minutes in length using “Dog Days & Bad Luck” as the prompt!

All films will be showcased during Worcester Fringe on 30th July, 5.30pm at Henry Sandon Hall.

The winning filmmaker will receive full access to Worcester Film Festival (4th-7th October 2023) with their film being shown again as part of our festival line-up.

To submit your film please send your completed films to info@worcesterfilmfestival.co.uk

(Either attached, with a downloadable link or through a file sharing platform like WeTransfer)


  • Must not exceed 2 minutes
  • Must utilise the prompt
  • Can be made how you like, even on a mobile phone
  • Deadline for submitting is 23th July 2023

Have fun, be creative and we’ll see you on Sunday 30th July for the showcase!

Theme inspiration: heat, drought, thunderstorms, lethargy, fever, mad dogs, bad luck

If you have any questions please email: info@worcesterfilmfestival.co.uk


30 Jul 2023




Henry Sandon Hall
Royal Porcelain Works, Severn Street

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