Spetchley Gardens – Season Opens
When we open in March there will be clumps of wild primrose pushing up randomly through sapphire carpets of crocus and swathes of sunny daffodils in spring.
From the first tantalizing glimpse of the garden through the tall Corsican pines that so inspired Edward Elgar, to the magnificent borders that surround the walled garden and the magnolia-fringed Horse Pool, Spetchley is full of surprises.
It’s a garden of contrasts, where formal clipped hedges, rose beds and sweeping lawns meet tumbling herbaceous borders and walls festooned with rampant climbers, and where winding paths lead you from the quintessentially English to the unmistakably Mediterranean. Relax a while at our fantastic Coffee Shop ‘Toast @Spetchley’, try delicious homemade delights. Whether you are out on your own, with Friends or Family or in a large Group, everyone is welcome !
How to attend
You can book online www.spetchleygardens.digitickets.co.uk or pay at our Welcome Centre.