Beethoven: Mass in C | Worcester Festival Choral Society

Beethoven – Mass in C
Richard Blackford – Mirror of Perfection

Two, thrilling choral classics – one old, one new – are coming to Worcester Cathedral on 16 March 2024, performed by the 140 voices of Worcester Festival Choral Society.

Beethoven’s radiant Mass in C major was commissioned by Prince Nikolaus Esterházy II in 1807. Containing some of the composer’s most sublime music for voices, the Mass is regarded as one of Beethoven’s most moving works.

The concert also includes Richard Blackford’s breathtakingly beautiful 1996 cantata, Mirror of Perfection, expressively set to poems by St Francis of Assisi.

Outstanding soloists will be soprano Susanna Fairbairn, mezzo soprano Samantha Price, tenor Gwilym Bowen and bass Dominic Sedgwick. Accompanying will be the superb Meridian Sinfonia orchestra, and the conductor is Worcester Cathedral’s exceptional director of music, Samuel Hudson.

Tickets on sale NOW from the Online Box Office and the TicketSource Hotline: 0333 666 3366

Prices Adults: £15.00 Adults: £22.00 Adults: £27.00


16 Mar 2024




Worcester Cathedral

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